
Logbook ImpKos


Name Gram %
Pilsner Swaen 6000 0
Chocolate B Swaen 1000 0
Barley Swaen 1000 0
Flaked Oats Arsegan 1000 0
Total 0 100%


Name Gram Min
Cascade 40 60
East Kent Golding 40 20
Cascade 20 5
East Kent Golding 20 5
Total 0


Name Gram Min
Seaweed 5 15

Additives Dry

Name Gram Day
Coconut flakes 500 0
Total 0




Brewed with Imperial Stout Coconut recipe
Start date 20 September, 2018
End date 10 October, 2018
Fermented for 20 days
Batchsize of 20 L
Total price: € 27.74
Brewed in style of Imperial Stout
Imperial stout with a coconut flavour.

Process Details

Mash volume: 19 L
Rinse volume: 5 L
Boil time: 60 Min
After boil volume: 20 L, target 20 L
Estimated OG: 1074
Estimated FG: 1014
Estimated ABV: 8.3%
Actual OG: 1072
Actual FG: 1021
Actual ABV: 7.1%
Actual fermentation time is 20 days at 20
Recommend fermentation time is 2-3 weeks at 20
Priming sugar: 6.0 g/L
40 Bottles

Logbook Notes

Logbook Photos

Photo of OG
Photo of FG
Photo after fermentation
Photo of beer