Brewed with Lauw Beer recipe Start date 10 August, 2020 End date 02 September, 2020 Fermented for 23 days Batchsize of 18 L Total price: € 23.77 Brewed in style of Stout A complex stout with a hint of bay leaf.
Mash volume: 19 L Rinse volume: 5 L Boil time: 60 Min After boil volume: 18 L, target 20 L Estimated OG: 1081 Estimated FG: 1017 Estimated ABV: 9.0% Actual OG: 1071 Actual FG: 1020 Actual ABV: 7.1% Actual fermentation time is 23 days at 19 ℃ Recommend fermentation time is None at None ℃ Priming sugar: 6.0 g/L 34 Bottles