
Some background information

When I was in college, I started home brewing. I got an all-grain kit, so with a premeditated recipe. It was really hard to keep the temperature constant on a gas burner on the stove. The finished beer was drinkable. I really liked it, except the fiddling with the temperature. So, I invested in an electric brewing kettle. Brewed more different kinds of kits. When I got my own apartment, it really took off. Now I got the space to make a mess and store my fermenting brewing buckets. I also started to experiment with my own recipes.

A messy kitchen counter
Buckets inside DIY aquarium cabinet

A friend started to help with brewing. After some time with some other friends, we started “Fermentation Station”, for all fermentation projects. It was a place in a storage depot. See fermentation for more information and build.

The electric brew ketlle
Climate control

This was the next step in making better beers because now there was temperature control while fermenting the beer. In my apartment sometimes in the summer it could go to 30 degrees Celsius, resulting in stressed yeast cells. Hopefully now with climate control helps with less stressed yeast cells and therefore resulting in better beers.

A stout
Applecider from homegrown apples (Allotment)

I always kept a logbook of my recipes and the process. But it was in excel, when learning Django I tough I could make it a site with database. People with privilege can add ingredients plus information, make recipes, create a logbook which check if all ingredients amount are efficient. Create beer to keep track of how many bottles are left and the price per bottle. People can rate the beers.

Create ingredients, like grain
A logbook entry