
Home Brewing

Welcome to my site for my home brewing projects

Welcome to my site for my home brewing projects. Here you can view the recipes of the beer I made. But also, you can view the logbook to see the observations on brew day. Or search for specific ingredients to get more information, and view all recipes with this ingredient.

The most recent finished beer is Porter Farmerstyle. It was bottled on Dec. 18, 2022. It is brewed in the style of Porter with an alcohol percentage of 6.0. There are 40 bottles left. So come visited and try it yourself. You can even rate it. :)

Porter Farmerstyle

Brewed in style of Porter
Bottled on 18 December, 2022
Cost price per beer: € 0.33
There are 40 bottles left
A full body porter with fesh after taste
The avarage rating is
You haven't rated this beer yet



Name Gram %
Pilsner Swaen 3000 0
Barley Swaen 750 0
Chocolate B Swaen 750 0
Brown Swaen 500 0
Munich light Swaen 500 0
Flaked Oats Arsegan 500 0
Total 0 100%


Name Gram Min
Cascade 40 60
Saaz 30 15
Total 0


M29 Saison

Not your style? Maybe try one of the other beers that have bottles left. Or wait a bit longer for new beer are always made.

These beer(s) are now fermenting. Most beer are ready after a month of brew day.

Wit 2023

This fermenting beer is brewed in the style of None with an alcohol percentage of 6.8.

It has approximately 0 IBU and 38 EBC.

The brew day was Aug. 20, 2023.