
Keeping track of the allotment

Me and my family have a joint allotment. Here we grow different kind of vegetables, like zucchini, pumpkins and green beans.

A green bean growing
Odd shaped zucchini

My personal project, and the help of my parents. I grow my own hops. I have 6 different kinds of hops. I build, not so stable, construction of 5 meters tall. The hops I use for my home brewing. Click on hops with wet in the name to see recipe with them.

DIY hop construct
Close up harvested hop

We also have different kind of fruit trees and bushes. Apples, peers, raspberries, blackberries and redcurrants. With these fruits we make different kinds of jams or sauces.

A plum tree
Ripe plums down on the ground
Collected plums ready for processing
Made into plum jam

But not all apples are made into apple sauce. A large part of the apples is turned into alcohol beverages. From apple cider to apple wine with a different sweetness level.

A couple of apple trees
Made into apple cider

To keep track of things we have done, everybody writes in the logbook when they visit. To keep up with the times I made a digital version, a blog, where you can easily add also pictures to the logbook.

Digital logbook