
Little bit about me

Jaap van der Poel




My name is Jaap van der Poel. I am enthusiastic biologist and programmer. Even in my spare time I make my own beer and create apps.


Guest Researcher @ Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, University Leiden

Introducing CRISPR/Cas9-enhanced ssDNA recombineering for Pseudomonas putida 12 in the lab. Biofilm forming experiments with Knock Out strains of P. putida s12.

Visualization of the differential expression analysis of several P. putida s12 strains under Toluene exposer.

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  • CRISPR/Cas9
  • ssDNA recombineering
  • R
  • Data visualization
  • Biofilm assay

MSc external internship @ Heineken

Characterization of brewer’s yeast on different sugar composition in wort.

Data cleaning and visualization of previous bioreactor experiments

  • Yeast cultivation and fermentation
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • R
  • Visual Basic
  • Power BI

MSc internship @ Biology, Leiden University, Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology

Model driven re-programming of the Pseudomonas putida metabolic network in response to solvent stress.

The research was about: the role of arpR in solvent stress in pseudomonas putida S12

  • Bioinformatics to construct an in silico metabolic network and analysis of the network
  • Python, R
  • Cultivation of P. putida and genome editing
  • Knock-Out construction
  • PCR
  • Western blot, Northern blot

BSc Internship @ Biology, Leiden University, Molecular and Development Genetics

The role of the Fir1 yeast protein in Agrobacterium mediated transformation

  • Plasmid construction
  • PCR
  • BiFC
  • Microscopy